Викинги. Полная история


Brøndsted, Johannes. Norsemen in North America before Columbus. Washington, 1954. Cohat, Yves. Les Vickings: rois des mers. Paris, 1987.

Collingwood, William Gershom. Scandinavian Britain. London, 1908.

Crawford, Barbara. Scandinavian Scotland. Leicester, 1987.

D’Amato, Raffaele. The Varangian Guard, 988–1453. Vol.459. Oxford, 2010.

Downham, Clare. Viking Kings of Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh, 2007.

Ducket, Eleanor. Alfred the Great. London, 1957. Durand, Frédéric. Les Vikings et la mer. Paris, 1996.

Ferguson, Robert. The Vikings: A History. New York, 2009.

Hagen, Anders. Les Bateaux Vikings. Oslo, 1961.

Haliday, Charles. The Scandinavian kingdom of Dublin. Dublin, 1884.

Hall, Richard Andrew. The World of the Vikings. London, 2007.

Haywood, John. Atlas des Vikings. Paris, 1995.

Holmqvist, Wilhelm. Viking art in the eleventh century. Acta Archaeologica, Vol. XXXII. Copenhagen, 1951. Janin, Raymond. Les Francs au service des «Byzantins» // Échos d’Orient. XXXIX. 1930. P.61–72.

Jones, Gwyn. A History of the Vikings. London, 1968.

Kendrick, Thomas Downing. A History of the Vikings. London, 1930.

Kendrick, Thomas Downing. Late Saxon and Viking art. London, 1949.

Logan, Donald. The Vikings in History. London, 1995.

Mallet, Paul Henri. Histoire du Danemark. Copenhagen, 1758–1777. – 3 vols.

Matthew, Donald. The Norman Kingdom of Sicily. Cambridge University Press, 1992.

Melvinger, Arne. Les Premieres Incursions des Vikings en Occident d’apres les Sources Arabes. Uppsala, 1955. Musset, Lucien. Pour l’étude des relations entre les colonies scandinaves d’Angleterre et de Normandie // Melanges.

Fernand Mosse in memoriam. Paris, 1959. Norwich, John Julius. The Normans in the South 1016–1130. London, 1967.